Monday, December 28, 2009

New Years Brings a New Beginning

As the new year approaches everyone begins making their New Year's Resolutions. Many of them are dietary or personality assessments. Around the holidays people like to self-evaluate themselves more than usual. It just so happens that there's a new year coming around the corner to make them feel better about their faults.

For college students, resolutions are almost impossible. We don't have time to think about changing our lives because for eight months of the year our lives don't belong to us; they instead belong to the colleges and universities we attend.

However, as a graduating senior I think I may be able to reconsider. I won't be making any resolutions as so much I'll be making plans. The next five months are the most crucial and dictate how I will spend the next one, two or five years of my life. School, work, travel or all of the above: I do not know.

I only know that now is the time to set an agenda. I have some thinking to do, like any other graduating student, and I can't sit on my decisions.

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