Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Recession Proof Dating

So in the wake of this recession we've all been feeling hit some way or another. What we aren't realizing is that there are a number of ways to get cut back without losing the lifestyle you've become accostomed to.

We all know that being in a relationship is not cheap so I'm going to let you in on 10 secrets to keep your love live going and your pockets in tact. Besides, recession dating will only score you points in the romance department.

Each week, I'll reveal a great recession proof dating secret and I'll even drop a few ideas in between. With my help, you'll be able to have a good dating life for at least 10 weeks.

You Can Call Me, I Won't Call You

Last week I wrote a post about being single and it came back to bite me in the butt. Today I found a new place to meet guys, the gas station. Naturally I did not come to this conclusion on my own; it was more of a forced revelation.

It happened when a man of maybe 30-35 years-old (always older) asked me what my name was and if I had a boyfriend. Because I knew how that convo would play out it I simply said, "Yes, I do". I then thought he'd go away (I should have known better).

This man proceeded to offer me his number and said I could call him but he won't call me because he knows I have a boyfriend.

It made me wonder if he is in marketing because he strategy was great. It leaves the door open for future connections and had I taken his number he would have had one foot in the door already.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Bring in the New Age a Single Gal

Exactly one week from today, I'll be turning 21-years-old and I'm very excited. However, all summer I've been dreading bringing in the new age as a single gal; it's a very important age.

Now as I look at my situation and the lack of control I have over it, I've accepted the result. It's okay to be single (for now) because I'll be able to have twice as much than if I were in a relationship.

Mr. Right or Mr. Wrong (most likely) is out there waiting for me and when he comes around I'll have had my fun so I can dedicate my time the work a new relationship needs.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Get a Grip

According to People.com, Hailey Glassman said John Gosslin is the love of her life.

Glassman told E! Online, "I'm not some fame whore... I'm not some celebrity, I'm not some famous person – I'm just a 22-year-old girl who got caught in the middle of all this."

Really? Really Hailey, because I feel like you put yourself in the middle. Jon Gosslin is an almost divorced father of eight; there's nothing attractive or appealing about him; especially for a 22-year-old.

As a "young girl" I know that we all make some pretty insane moves and we are entitled, its our education process, but Glassman took it too far.

I'm all for finding the love of your life but when it looks like that mess I think its time to get a grip...on reality.