Monday, December 15, 2008

Once a Year

As the holiday season continues and Christmas nears, shoppers are growing anxious. I'm not fond of holiday shopping so I try my best to avoid peek hours.

It's absolutely insane, the way people act just to buy presents. The stores are a wreck, traffic is on all roads and personally I just can't handle that many people surrounding me in a frenzy and I'm not even getting the attention (just kidding).

But in all seriousness, Christmas isn't about buying the greatest presents or finding the hottest deals. It's celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. Why is that every holiday season we have to be reminded of that, why can't we just keep that in our heads? I would think that in this day, with this war and this economy we might band together and realize what wonderful people we have in our lives.

Christmas has been and will always be my favorite holiday because even though shoppers go wild, Christmas does bring out the best in people. Think about that the next time you go and push through lines and have arguments over the last digital camera. Think about the most wonderful time of the year and how it only comes around once :))