Thursday, November 20, 2008

Poor Thanksgiving

It seems like every year, Christmas comes earlier and earlier. Pretty soon Christmas will start in July. We'll just skip Independence Day and go right into the day of gift giving.

Advertisers push their products as soon as the first leaf drops on the ground. It's almost frightening that companies care more about the dollar than the true meaning of Christmas. From the very beginning, it's been about the birth of Jesus Christ but, to the advertisers that doesn't matter.

However, in all the hoopla over Christmas, I always feel bad for Thanksgiving. It seems like no really cares about Turkey Day. It too serves as more than a day off from work.

Thanksgiving is about gathering family and friends and having a good time. While turkey day isn't my favorite holiday, it sure gives me great pleasure to sit around the table with my family and know how blessed I am.

Thanksgiving makes me look back over the year, think about all the times I complained about something a family did and realize that I wouldn't know what to do without him or her.

I think that's the reason the major holidays are at the end of the year, so we can all reflect over the 365 days that just passed and be grateful.

So this Thanksgiving I'm going to gives thanks in a different way. Instead of giving thanks for all the great things in my life, I'm going to be thankful that I have a family to complain about and know that at the end of the day, I can always turn to them if ever in need.

And then.........I'm going to get fat at the dinner table :))