Thursday, January 22, 2009

This Is Our Time

It’s about time. What took us so long? Yesterday was probably the greatest moment in our nation’s history and it took forever to get there.

The fact that President Obama is African-American is great (it’s really great), but the fact that my generation finally stood up for what they believe is great as well.

Did we really need to wait for a historical election to allow our voices to be heard? Did it have to take a man who could talk to us like we were his own friends?
The answer to those questions should be “no”. However, we don’t like in a perfect world, do we? For years the youth vote has been ignored because we’ve been too lazy to stand up for what we believe in. We’ve sat back and allowed people into the white house who only wanted the job for show, when all along we should have made them listen to us by exercising the rights we have.

Speak up young people; speak up when it’s about more than history. Speak up when the economy is doing well, when we aren’t fighting any wars and when our lives seems to be doing O.K. Don’t let it be eight years from now and you call it quits. Stand up and say: “This is our time! We are America’s future, so listen to us today!” :))

Photo courtesy of Yahoo Images

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