Thursday, April 30, 2009

Nobody Said It Would Be Easy

As school comes to an end and we approach the we final two weeks things are getting crazier than ever. Papers are due, presentations are given and everyone is scurryingensure their final grades don't fall short of the bar.

You might think this time would be a breeze since it can always be expected, but that is not so. Still professors wait until the last minute to assign papers on top of the final exams.

However, when you think about the end result it all seems worth it. After four long years of stressing and worrying and hoping, you are awarded a degree that says "You are top notch". That simple piece of printed paper means you passed and when you look back you understand how important your journey was.

In just two weeks, I'll be a senior in college and I can already taste a little of that success. Yes it is difficult, but nobody said it would be easy.

1 comment:

Jackie Chewy said...

easy? definitely not. you and i need to meet up during the summer and plan out our next semester together since our lives have been overlapping a lot lately which i dont mind at all. we're an awesome team. it should happen more often.