Friday, April 3, 2009

Dust Yourself Off and Try Again

Yesterday, I was given a task that challenged me in more ways than one. It was dance for a fashion show and I had not moved muscles like that before; at least not that long.

By the end of the night I was sore (I still am) but I'm not going to worry about that. I'm going to go back next week and do it all over again. "Why?" you might asks. The answer is simple.

I love a good challenge; I feed off new adventures. Yesterday, it was foreign, next week it will be as if I'd done it forever and that's the way to live life. Don't stress about things you can't just yet. Give yourself and that thing a try and try again.

Then, try again and try again and try again. If at this point, you are still unable to accomplish something, then you realize there are things you can do and things you cannot. However, if you try and you come out on top then give yourself around of applause because you dusted yourself off and tried again. This time all the hard work paid off.

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