Thursday, December 18, 2008

Speaking Without Words

"Let the works that you do speak for yourself," are the words that enter my mind more often than not. I first heard them from my sister who quoted the first lady of our church. At the time they didn't mean that much to me but now I don't take those words lightly.

Over the past few years I've made movements to achieving certain goals in life. Along the way I've met and inspired a few young women. Of course I was unaware of my influence on others, I just thought I was living the life of Kristin. It wasn't until I was approached by a mother that I knew that what I had done.

The woman is a member of my church and someone I've known all my life. She told me her daughter imitated everything I did. She'd walk the same way, talk the same way and repeat the same sayings. I thought it was cute and I was flattered in the beginning but then I realized I was impacting this girl's life.

She looked up to me and wanted to travel a similar road as me. I knew in that moment that whatever I did it had to be positive for this young girl. I didn't want to ruin her and I wanted her to continue believing in me.

It's true that no matter what you do or where you go there is always someone watching you. They are looking at you in every way possible. Oddly enough the same people who look up to you have a reverse effect. Now each time I go to church I look for that girl because she inspires me. She inspires me to do better and reach new heights. If I fail she might give up on me and that isn't something I want. Because I know she's watching so closely I always let the work that I do speak for myself. :))

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